
Monday, February 21, 2011



Pakistan, even after more than 60 years of independence remains a country without any sense of direction, having totally failed to inculcate the vital feelings nationhood, which alone can keep the country intact. This is the result of complete mismanagement of our national affairs at the very top. The politicians have failed grossly to deliver and as a result military intervention has been frequent. Such interventions have also failed to address the basic needs of the nation. Half of the country was lost because of our political and administrative failure and our inability to become Pakistanis and Pakistanis alone.

The existing conditions are the worst ever. We have seen that each time a change is always for the worse. Rule of law is non-existent despite all protestations. Corruption and nepotism are at their zenith. Even the august office of the President is allegedly involved in corruption. Nation interest is a bad word in the dictionary of the politicians and the administrators. Money making is the sole purpose of all occupants of high offices.

Under these conditions only a revolution can bring about a change for the better and some sanity in the national affairs. It is towards this end that we want you strive with the support of all the youth of the country. The young people are the only hope for a renewed resurgence of nationalism that saw the creation of Pakistan. United, we the new generation, shall lead this country out of the troubled waters and into an economic serenity not even dreamed of in the past

We have evolved an honest and implementable economic program based on drastic changes in the financial, monetary and taxation systems and involving, inherently an autonomous Provincial regime with Federal support wherever required to fill the gap. We believe a federation can only exist and prosper through a common desire of the federating units to do so and not by force.

It is these programs that we wish to discuss, dilate upon and decide. How to move forward is the question? We need to arrive at a consensus for any meaningful progress rapidly. We wish to be ready to face the next elections with courage and hope.


Long live Pakistan. Long live the Pakistani nation!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Importance of Mother Tongue!

Mother language also known as the mother tongue is the language that a human being learns from infancy. This language is also known as the first language or the native language of that particular person which becomes the basis for the sociolinguistic identity of that person. The term mother tongue or mother language is generally used for the language that the person learns from his or her parents and other members in the family and from the neighbiourhood and eventually can interact with the community at large.

It is believed that there are more than 7000 mother languages in the world. There is an apprehension that more than 90 percent of these languages may vanish by the end of the present century due to various factors. In the present era of globalization, the ethnic languages are facing the threat of being wiped out. As people have to migrate from one place to the other in search of employment, the young immigrant children, whose families have moved to a new linguistic environment my lose in part or totally, the language that they had acquired first, the mother tongue.

Language, especially the mother language is a medium of communication within the family and society. Every language expresses the culture of society to the complete satisfaction of its members. The language an individual speaks is for him or her the most expressive and often the most beautiful of all languages. But there are also many people who prefer to speak and communicate in their second language rather than their mother tongue. They feel more comfortable in the second language because their mother tongue might be very limited and does not provide a large number of words or expressions. One can have two or more native languages, thus being a native bilingual or multilingual. The order in which these languages are learned is not necessarily the order of proficiency.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Pakistan Today is not, what we envisaged" an Article sent by Aziz Khan from USA


Memories are still vividly green of the fine summers day of August 12th of 1947, when on a serene fine morning with a pleasant breeze blowing, which gave an aroma of freshness, I embarked upon a journey from Nawabshah to Karachi, with a huge contingent of the then Pakistan Muslim League National Guards, to greet and extend a hearty welcome to our leader the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammadally Jinnah, who was able to get a separate land for us in the name of Pakistan, the first Islamic state where we were to heave a sigh of relief and comfort, having freed ourselves from the clutches of the colonial regime of the British; who in its reign of 100 years played with the rights of the people of the sub-continent. Those who were able to see that marvelous event, would vouch my statement that, hundreds of thousands of people enthusiastically awaited at the Karachi airport to receive the frail, thin, tall and lanky leader of Pakistan, who alighted from the small plane with his equally thin and tall sister Ms. Fatima Jinnah, amidst echoing and heart-throbbing sounds of “Allah-o-Akbar” and “ Pakistan Zindahabad.” It is difficult to erase, that auspiciously memorable scene from one’s mind!

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that, anyone at that time, whether physically present on the airport or not, had any doubts in his/her mind, that in Pakistan we got a country, where everyone of us would live peacefully, in an honest and incorruptible society. In Pakistan, we felt that everyone of any caste, creed, color or religion, would get equality, impartiality, freedom of speech, expression of views and thoughts; besides practicing his/her own religion, with full liberty. In Pakistan we thought, each and everyone would get merit and justice, with the rule of law prevailing. It would be a country free from any and all sorts of corruption, nepotism and favoritism! We thought that, if each of us would adhere to the slogan of the Quaid, “ Work, work and only work,” there would be no reason that, anyone could arrest our progress and prosperity.

Unfortunately, the Quaid could not live long. He may have conveyed his thoughts and ideas to his immediate confidant --the first Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan for implementation; but he too could not live long after, and was assassinated in Rawalpindi. There appeared to be a conspiracy of the vested interests, who could not tolerate the inception of Pakistan. The murder continues to remain an unresolved mystery until this day. One feels ashamed, why we have not been able to trace the culprits and bring them to book. That showed the reluctance and incompetence of the governments in power, then and thereafter!

After the untimely death of the Quaid, and then the assassination of Liaquat, we could not get a good leader who could establish beneficial plans for the new born country. We saw Prime Ministers come and go in quick succession, resulting in obvious adverse effects. This reminds me of the predictions of Moulana Abul Kalam Azad in 1946, discussed separately!

Then the country received a severe set-back to its progress, due to a quick succession of changes of the various Executives Heads of the Government of Pakistan. However, in the person of late Zulficar Ally Bhutto, we did get a genius of a politician, who in fact was in a position to bring Pakistan on to the world map; but for his nature, coupled with the dislike by some of his associates, of the way he governed; and most of all, his desire not to leave the reins of the government at any cost, he was not able to achieve what he could have, otherwise! We lost East Pakistan (now Bangla Desh) because of his desire to keep his hold on the then West Pakistan; asking Shaikh Mujeeb-ur-Rahman to hold the reins in East Pakistan, sharing the power on Pakistan as a whole. I personally feel that, had he agreed to hand over powers to Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rahman of the country as a whole, East Pakistan would not have separated, at least then. With the passage of time well yes, Bengalis may have opted out; as they have a different culture and never tolerate supremacy of another person or power, let alone the sharing of power.

Later, Bhutto was implicated in a false case by the then Military Ruler General Zia-ul-Haq and was put to the sword, through a maliciously wrong judgment, pronounced at the behest of the General. We later, were also to see her worthy daughter who with her intelligence, and political acumen led the government twice; but, she was not allowed by some folks within and outside of her party, who did not see eye to an eye with her, of the way she wanted to do anything good for the people of Pakistan and the country. She too was brutally assassinated, just outside the venue where our first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was made to breathe his last! It is a matter of shame for the present government, not to have made any headway in the investigations, to trace the people behind BB’s assassination, until now. The evidence which has come to light, tell us what we the people generally think! What interest the Scotland Yard Police or for that matter the UN team would have, if we in Pakistan do not take deep interest in this matter, which is of serious concern to us.

Let it not be forgotten that, we have a government which belongs to the party of the deceased former Prime Minister of Pakistan. If we are not able to find the perpetrators of the crime now; we shall never ever be able to; and such like criminal acts would continue unabated, in future too.

I am sorry, I have ventured away a bit; but I feel, that was essential to cite this information at least for those who are pretty young, and are not fully conversant of the then political situation in our country. During the 63 years of our existence, I regret to mention that, we had the Military Rule for about 30 years! During those 30 years the Military Rulers did also give the country, 2 leaders; whom the then General made to stand up and form their own parties to fight against the party, from whom the General feared stiff opposition. The rest of the period during which, we had the so-called “Democracy”, one or the other political figure held sway in the country; others used to hover around him as it is now, for political assignments and monetary gains. Having said what I have, I let you go through the past history of our country’s politics. To give you a candid picture of what is what in Pakistan today, I try to give you, what is happening in our country:-


Some of the politicians and most of our trumpeted analysts have repeatedly been claiming that, “Democracy in any form is better than Dictatorship”. Yes, as a student of history and politics, I agree; BUT not the “Democracy,” in its current form; where politicians are starving for their lust for power and with their eyes to loot and plunder whatever they can lay their hands on!

Can we consider the current form of “Democracy” in Pakistan, to be the” Real” or” any form of Democracy”, as the thinking goes of our politicians and the heralded analysts? Is it a Democracy, where the Heads of the leading political parties are virtual Dictators, who call terms from either abroad, or from their own large estates of lands and jagirs, sitting in their comfortable seats of their very secure abodes, surrounded by the coterie of trumpeters? Does any party member dare to argue, refuse or go against the direction of his/h Party Head? Has any political party ever, had any party elections? All of us know the answers of fact.

I shall be failing to make a proper expression of my views, if I do not say that majority of the persons elected to our legislatures are wealthy and influential persons of their respective areas; who influence, force and pressurize their good, illiterate, poor and the needy electorate to elect them or face dire consequences. The poor people of the area have no other go, but to succumb to the coercion of the mighty persons. If that is the way the members of the political parties get themselves elected, how can anyone expect that, an elected member would reflect the wish, and intention of the electorate of his constituency?

I further make bold to state that, not ONE, I repeat NOT ONE politician today, is worth his/h salt; and is capable of leading our country out of the woods! There may be some rays of hope in one or two persons, if at all; but unfortunately, such gentlemen have neither backing nor reckoning!

It is a pity that No Politician is honest and sincere to our country. Commanding power and sharing the remnants of the country’s financial reserves, is the top priority of all the politicians, at the cost of country’s economic stability and reputation.

We all had seen in the first week of January 2011, how political parties had somersaulted, only for their lure for power. What and where was the “Awam”, who asked them to do all that act of jugglery? All that gives everyone of us, a lucid picture of the amount of love these political parties have, for our dear country. Let us ask the under mentioned questions from ourselves; and get crystal clear answers:-

Who of the current politicians, does not own property in a foreign land?

Who from our known politicians, does not own vast areas of land within our country, where he/she has built the palatial abodes for self and his/h family?

Had any one of them ever thought of the poor, who do not have even the scantiest of a shelter, to protect his/h family?

Who amongst them has not, his/h money collected from our dear country, and kept it in foreign coffers?

Who from amongst them has, or had his/h children educated abroad?

How many of our politicians, either those occupying positions at the highest level in the government, or those who are not, pay full taxes which they are liable to pay according to the laws of the country?

No where else in the world except Pakistan, we find a platoon of people at the helm of affairs in the government, who do not pay taxes, willfully and deliberately. How dismal and annoying it is, that wealthy and influential politicians coerce the general public to pay taxes, whereas they remain absolutely scot-free of any tax whatsoever!

Probe your own selves, and find who amongst the current politicians is really honest, sincere and patriotic. The answers will tell you “Who is who”.

VVIP culture at its height:

There is a moral deficit amongst the Government ministers and other high ranking officials. VVIP culture is at its height. President, Prime Ministers, Governors and Chief Ministers traverse city roads, with scores of cars tailing behind them, blocking all the vehicular traffic throughout their route; little realizing that serious patients in precarious condition had to wait for hours together, until the entourage went by. Such serious patients in most cases had breathed their lost. Who should be made responsible for such loss of human lives; the dignitary or the local officers? The VIP who fears for his life, must take to the route incognito, to avoid such loss of human lives; or he/she may opt for alternate arrangement for which, there always is a provision.

As reported by the electronic media almost every politician in the country has a tag of corruption, in one form or the other behind him. Why is it so? Such politicians if not guilty, must come forward and present themselves to prove their innocence.

Then very recently, every one of us heard the senior politicians of at least two main parties, blow their hearts out accusing the Opposing party heads, with immense indecency, immorality, vulgarity and in most disgustingly un parliamentary a language, which no sane person would have dared spoken. Who can call them gentlemen? Do decent men, what to mention Legislators use such filthy language? They behaved worse than the men on the street. These outbursts came, when these leaders were standing outside the Parliament of the country, where the entire world must have seen and heard them. Do you think such parties must have the reins of the government? Do you think these so called graduate leaders of political parties can steer us out of the turmoil, we are in? We must realize that none of our current top leaders has anything at stake here in Pakistan. God forbid if a calamity comes, these so-called leaders, will vamoose in thin air. It is high time that, we the citizens of Pakistan should think and take some remedial action, before it is too late.

Legislature is a very important and respected forum; but in Pakistan, we have made a mockery of it. Legislature is the forum, where Laws are enacted. It needs people who are honest, literate, can think on their own about the correctness and legitimacy of a law being enacted; and whether that law is consistent with our religion Islam; and whether the law safeguards the interests and rights of minorities and works for the betterment of all the nationalities.

Legislators should have absolute sincerity to the country. Unfortunately, it is not so, in Pakistan. We have illiteracy in our country; and the masses generally vote for the people who are wealthy, influential, big landowners, jagirdars, choudhries, sardars or waderas; with a feeling that, only such persons are capable to be of their assistance and help.

Regional disputes in Pakistan:

None of our politicians whether in the government of the day or otherwise, has thought of devising ways to resolve the regional contradictions and disputes; which are very important and serious issues. There are serious regional contradictions and disputes in our country. These, if not attended to urgently, will open doors for outside intervention. There is no denying of this fact, as it is eroding the very roots of the country. Every province of Pakistan today has its own problems and issues, to be resolved. This cannot be neglected or overlooked. It entails serious consequences than the war of terrorism that we are fighting. It is a volcano, which may erupt at any time causing (May Allah protect us) serious damage to the very existence of Pakistan.

Unless the leaders put their heads together and put off all their differences, the situation may go out of hand, and may open the doors for Outside Intervention! It is high time that the diverse elements of our country’s political parties must unite and concur to collective decisions on all political, economic and other matters, for the betterment, security and sovereignty of Pakistan; otherwise the possibility is not remote, that we as a country may be in douldrums; and such an opportunity may come in handy to the “Outside power”. Let us ask our so-called leaders, as to what they are doing and why all concerned, are sleeping over this issue of grave and urgent significance? Where is their love for our country? Where is their patriotism? If they do not act, and act wisely and sanely, I am afraid the consequences will be very serious.

It is an every day fact, known to every Dick, Tom and Harry, whether it be the Head of some political party or otherwise, when making an statement on any subject, keeps on saying that, “Qoum” wants this and/or that; and therefore the matter be resolved in the manner he/s pleaded.

Fact of the matter always is that, the “Qoum” does not even know, what such leaders keep saying! Such statements are always absurd and false; and are only made because the leaders making the statement, were either personally interested or their party had an axe to grind.

I am also sorry to say that, some political analysts also do the same, by quoting the word “Qoum”. Has anyone ever found out, by what measure the politicians or the worthy analysts assess the requirement of the “Qoum”? In fact and in reality, no one is conversant of the mode of their way of assessment. The word is now very commonly used by everyone. It has now become a fraud and deception; and it indeed is so.

Majority of the Pakistani “Qoum/awam/public” is very simple, good, poor and patriotic. It lacks education, as it cannot afford it. They do not have time or knowledge, to understand the wiles of such incompetent politicians. The masses are totally unaware and unconcerned, of what is happening around in the political arena. They do not rejoice, if the 18th or the 19th Amendment had passed in the Parliament. However, what they care and are concerned about, is earning their bread and butter which may enable them to feed their families and themselves twice, if not thrice a day! How cruel and tyrannical of the leaders, that they use the name of the public, that is “Awam” at large, to suit their own designs. I leave it to the reader’s own conscience to assess, where we are heading for!


I write on this subject with due humility and with respects for all the tiers of the honorable judiciary, with no malice or offence intended for, in any manner whatsoever. I had been associated as a lawyer, with this pillar of the state, for quite some time; but, had to dissociate from it, as I could not stand or bear seeing full scale corruption going on in almost all courts, starting from the lower grade clerks to the honorable magistrate/judge. My opinion hereunder therefore, is based on my honest personal experience.

The recent practice of the honorable judges intermingling with advocates was never heard of, when I used to practice as an advocate. Judges used t keep aloof from the Members of the Bar and the public; except when an honorable Judge from the apex Court came for the inspection of the District Court. Most of the District Judges even, did not meet the Members of the Bar.

When in school, I used to observe with bewilderment indeed, that a then Sessions Judge of Nawabshah, ( later became a Judge of the High Court) who may have sentenced many an accused to the gallows, as his job required; used to take a stroll in the evening all by himself; followed by only an unarmed peon. That was a time, when even the dacoits and murderers, kept away from the very person of the judge; though, they had the means and an easy access to him! It was the respect that a judge had in the minds of the people. Besides it was just the way, justice used to be imparted, which earned the judiciary, respect and security, then! I also personally remember that two Sessions Judges of Nawabshah, one of them later became a Judge of the High Court, and the other became the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, never met the members of the bar or the public, except in the Court Room. What is the state of the judiciary, today? Insecurity prevails, in addition to the apprehension of misbehavior and rowdyism at the hands of the public, and at times from the lawyers. Conversing with the lawyers/advocates, usually gives the impression that a judge is intimate with a particular lawyer, opening avenues for him/h, to demand additional dough from the poor clients, in the name of the judge; and thus many a good and honest judge, is made the scapegoat, and labeled as the “Rushwati judge”. To me, for the sake of justice to all and sundry, it is always better for the honorable judges, to keep themselves at a distance from the Members of the Bar.

Most of the judges may be impartial and honest to the core, but the members of their staff even today, continue to take bribes in their names from the poor people, who come to the Courts to seek justice. A particular judge may not be in the know of this, but the justice seeking people at large, are made to think that the money was paid for the judge. At times and very often, when the judge had already granted an adjournment in a case, the staff concerned charged money from the poor public. This practice by the lower staff maligns the good name of judiciary. The poor public who visits the Courts, do not understand these practices, in which sometimes my brother lawyers also get involved! I am not blaming the Members of the Bar, but am making a statement of fact. No honest and forthright lawyer can deny this practice, which is still in vogue. It is my personal experience, from Nawabshah and Hyderabad. The same practice was in vogue in Baluchistan as well, where I used to go to attend hearings, in some Courts.

Recently, some of the honorable judges while attending a lawyers’ function, have clearly used a tone in their speeches that implied their partisan attitude, to a certain political party or even the government. In such ceremonies, the judges must only speak about Justice, and the Rule of Law; with no political reference involving any political party or the government of the day.

A judge must refrain from making any political speech, either directly or by any indirect reference. He is a synonym of impartiality and justice; and that impartial justice to his/h conscience, is to be delivered. After all, he/s holds that seat, in the name Allah, who sees and observes all that goes on in the mind of the judge. It will be just and fair, if the judges at such functions, only speak of imparting justice; and nothing beyond.

Terrorism is at its height in Pakistan. The Security agencies and the Police get hold of many terrorists and they are brought before the Courts. In most cases, the Courts order the release of such persons on bail, which enables them to commit the same crimes, again and again. It is high time that the apex Court of Pakistan must evolve some stringent law/laws, which may not only be very strict in the grants of the bails; but should also give severe sentences to the guilty persons. These laws must be recommended through the Judicial Council, or any other person or forum, to our National Assembly so that such laws go through the usual procedure and are adopted as a Law. This needs the honorable Chief Justice’s immediate attention. Sometime back, there had been an indiscriminate firing in Lyari, Karachi, killing many innocent persons. The snipers disappeared and were not to be found, as is usual with the police. However somehow or the other, many of them have surrendered and admitted their crime. Now, such accused must never ever be allowed to go off, as they have made the confession. Exemplary punishment should be awarded to them; which ought to be an eye opener, not only for other extremists/terrorists, but for all rank and files!

The current practice of paying gratis money to the Court officer, on filing/lodging any application/suit or complaint in any court any where in the country, is normal and usual. Invariably every person working in a court and in any capacity does not work without any selfish axe to grind. True, corruption can never be stopped with one stroke of the pen. However with effective punitive measures, it could be gradually reduced.

It is said that, “Justice delayed is Justice denied.” Unfortunately, it fits well for our country. It takes years, even generations for a civil suit to finalize; and it easily takes years for a criminal matter, to reach a decision; and by that time more often the accused may already have completed his/her stipulated period of sentence! Who is to be blamed? Why such a person be further sentenced for no fault of his/hers? First the police, gets the chance to demand illegal gratification from the beneficiaries, and then the worthy learned lawyers who care less for their clients, after having already devoured large sum of money in fees etc. from their clients; and thirdly, with due respects to the honorable judiciary, who keeps on adjourning the hearings day after day, without taking strict action in the matter, so that justice is not delayed at all. This is the biggest flaw and cause, which has brought a bad name to our judicial system!

A suggestion please:

You are conversant with the fact that, in the interior of almost every province of Pakistan, the Punachyat System is still continuing; where inhuman sentences are awarded to the women. These are immoral, illegal and self made laws; and the members of the punchayats are mostly illiterate. Our legislature must legislate laws, whereby this system be done away with; and if any instances do come up after such legislation, the persons involved, should get severe punishment. The Judicial Council or any other like forum must take up the matter at an appropriate level.

We have now by the grace of Allah, an impartial and Independent Judiciary. We have seen that many a corrupt, had been sent behind the bars; and, we hope others will take a lesson from it, and cease to remain one.


Our Armed Forces need our greatest appreciations and commendations. The personnel of the Armed Forces have stood by, to protect the country’s sovereignty. Not only that, but whenever situations of calamities have arisen, it had come to the rescue of the nation. We have seen the great help and assistance, it had provided at the time of the Earthquake and then recently the Heavy Floods, which had completely ruined and devastated many of our villages; and made the people penniless and shelter-less!

To my loveable and respected authorities in the Armed Forces, I would humbly suggest, that it must advise the Government of Pakistan sooner the better, to enroll the services of some reputable Muslim Scholars, who should visit the areas, which are deeply infested by the Extremists/Terrorists, who need to be educated in their own language, about the teachings of our religion Islam, in respect of the “Jehad ” and the magnanimity of the SIN, they commit by killing innocent persons, in the hope of the reward, they expect in the world hereafter.


There may be divergent views or opinions, on the origin of corruption in Pakistan. I for one feel, that bureaucracy is also one of the root causes of all evils, known as corruption. Members of the legislatures enjoying leading positions in their parties, or to be precise the Cabinet Members, as the Executive Head of a certain department have no foresight of their job requirements.

These bureaucrats are in a position to safely and conveniently remove or replace sensitive documents of utmost importance from the office, to protect or harm any person. Bureaucrats are fully aware of the status of various pending files in his/h office. This gives them the edge, on all other corrupt persons. It is the bureaucrat who tutors the legislators and the ministers, and paves the way for them to be able to understand, and know the innumerable vistas for making foul money.

Such bureaucrats become the confidants of such Cabinet Ministers and also share the booty themselves, usually in advance of the ministers! Yes not all the bureaucrats are dishonest or corrupt. However, the practice of corruption took its inception from this source as well. Today, it has engulfed almost every department, howsoever small or big it may be! I reiterate that all the departments of the government or the semi-government and all the sections of every tier of the State, are suffering from this seemingly incurable malady. In our country it has spread far and wide. Every province has it; and no one has ever taken any measure, to curb or totally banish it. No person, unless he is able to pull strings, would be so fortunate to get his/h work accomplished from any office, department or court, howsoever trifle it may be without the money being involved. Lure of money, makes the person in authority, to be corrupt!

Today, it is not an unusual practice in any province of the country to find that in every department whether government or semi-government, every post is for sell for a particular amount as defined in advance, which is to be paid to the Appointing Authority, who issues the Appointment Letter; but sometimes it so happens that even then, someone else gets the Letter, for either he had a greater influence, or more money was paid for the job. It was news to me, when I learnt that recently in a province, in the selection of policemen, some of the selectees already had the Letters of Appointment, duly signed by the Appointing Authority, in their hands. No Merit, of which all the provinces keep rambling about, is considered at all any where in any province! This is the height of corruption.

Corruption in all these forms has been in vogue, ever since we know of it. No government, I repeat no government of any political party, can deny the fact that, corruption had been diminished or totally wiped out in its tenure of government. Corruption has thrived by leaps and bounds, in the period of every government.


Our industry of every nature and size has immensely suffered, causing great losses in terms of Foreign Exchange to the country; besides, creating severe unemployment issues. Decisions of great significance to the industry are taken in the air-conditioned rooms by the Ministers and bureaucrats, without taking the respective industry in confidence. New and sometimes unimaginable taxes are imposed, electricity and gas supplies are either shortened or cut-off without any notice to the industry, forcing the Owners of those industries, to call it a day and close down their concerns.

This causes severe hardships to the employees of such industries, who lose their livelihood; and are therefore forced to take to the streets, causing damage to public and private properties; thus again, putting the country, to heavy losses. This also creates resentment amongst all those who are attached to the industry. This stoppage of the industries brings heavy financial losses not only to the owners of the industries, but also brings losses of immense proportions to our country, in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Many workers of such closed industries either start committing criminal offences, or are constrained to take to beggary, due to unemployment. When taking any decision pertaining to any industry, the Government should discuss and consult all the stake holders, and convince them before taking any decision. This would facilitate smooth implementation of any steps, which the government would like to take. If the economy is to be augmented or boosted, effective steps be taken to provide Energy to the industries, all 7 days of the week.


You will hardly find a forum anywhere, where it is not said that our Police is corrupt. However, it cannot be said that all policemen or officers are black sheep. There may be some fine and honest police officers and ratings, in the department; but those are few. Some police personnel decline bribes in spite of the fact, that they are hand to mouth for the reasons of their meager remunerations; where-as there are some others, who are financially well-off, never refuse any extra money coming in. No FIR could be lodged at any Police Station, unless accompanied with money.

At times, when money is not forthcoming the police staff, manning the station do make a fool of the people, and instead of lodging an FIR, make a “Roznamcha” thereof; and just put a seal on a copy and hand it over to the Complainant, informing him that the FIR stands lodged.

I remember a couple of instances, where the wife of a friend of mine was left by her husband at the Police Station, with the particular instructions that she must not leave the Station, until and after filing her report for the robbery of her Cash and ornaments worth over a Lac of rupees. She was an educated lady; but was not aware of the tricks the police played. Instead, she was handed over a copy of the “Roznamcha.”

In 99% of cases, the Police in our country is responsible for most of the thefts, burglaries, robberies, dacoities, kidnapping for ransoms, murders and all such heinous offences. Many a times, police has directly been found to be involved in such crimes.

In the recent days we had seen youngsters being clubbed and lashed by the police. Most of the times such beatings have taken place in presence of senior Officers. We also know of Police officers, supervising beatings to ladies at Police Stations. We have not forgotten a recent case of the beating of young boys in Punjab. Has anyone heard what became of that case? If such a case or the like of it, was to involve a high placed person quick action would have followed, and all the culprits would have been behind the bars.

LET everyone bear this in mind that if a Police Officer of a particular area, is honest and sincere there is no reason, I repeat no reason whatsoever, that he will not be able to trace the offenders, and bring them to justice within days, how seriously heinous offence it may be! Every Police Officer knows all the offenders living or operating in his/h area. We of-course do not forget the great sacrifices many of our police officers and men have given in line of their duties, for the sake of protecting the masses in various towns of Pakistan; and our hats are off to them.


Before I write anything on this subject, let me commend the laudable job the Media Personnel are doing in the interest of the Nation, by risking their lives to bring forth the news readily, and at the spur of the moment, directly out of the source’s mouth. The Media men go as close as possible to a battle ground, a meeting or even a press briefing, to seek first hand information from all fronts, and pass it on to the news bureau. In many cases, the Media men/women have lost their precious lives. It is a Yeoman’s job; and our hats are off to them. Furthermore, there is no denying of the fact that the Media, particularly the electronic media, has opened the vistas of vision and information of the general public; and the public at large knows most facts promptly, through the TV channels, via everyday news.

There are now several channels, and no corrupt act whether of a politician or bureaucrat, goes un-noticed; and is at once brought before the Court of the Masses; and every man or a woman comes to know of it. This indeed, is great news!

However, one cannot but admit that in most cases, the media blows a mountain out of a mole hill! If only, the Media could curb this practice, until the news creeping out to any channel is confirmed by its authentic and genuine sources. Failing this, the Media has had to repudiate the news, later. That belittles the standard of that particular channel.

The Media can, and should play a great part to emancipate the common man; particularly those, who are either illiterate, or have a little education. As most of us know that little knowledge is always dangerous, hence it is very essential for the Media, that it should impart accurate knowledge and information to the people of Pakistan at large.

Less educated persons are prone to making more and dangerous mistakes, than those who are absolute illiterate! We have lately observed, that persons with little knowledge or education, take a distorted picture in their minds and have been found to be more receptive to wrong and twisted notions on religion and other like subjects; and therefore commit very serious offences. This is also the cause of many of our brothers, going astray; and have unfortunately fallen prey to the Extremists. That instinct of theirs has to be curbed. Here our Electronic Media can play a very important role. As the Electronic Media is more effective than our newspapers, for it conveys the news to the public without any delay, which the public immediately watch and digest, it becomes morally binding and significantly necessary for the Electronic Media, to use its own resources to adopt and initiate such programs particularly on religion, which may be able to show the right course to our people, who are liable to succumb to the pressures of the Extremists.

Besides, it is always better that gory scenes of any unfortunate incident/accident be not shown on the screen; and that any foul, or an un-parliamentary language or accusations used by any political persons, must not be carried on the news bulletins; when the media persons are competent to express and inform the people very effectively, whatever had transpired at that particular time, or occasion.

A suggestion:

After a diligent perusal of the programs that are being channeled by different channels, it would be found that almost all the channels mainly carry News; with frequent Breaking News; which frustrate the nation, who is already under great tension and frustration!

For God’s sake, please give us some entertainment to avoid the tension and grief that we hear and see, almost 24 hours!


A television anchor is supposed to be forthright, absolutely impartial and non partisan. Barring a few, the television anchors in their Talk Shows, have been partial in their comments. Many a times, I have heard and saw the anchors insistent, and have strived to put the words in the mouths of the panel members, debating the subject. That’s not fair and just. Such attitude ought to be avoided.

It would therefore be wise and fair for all our worthy TV Anchors, to remain totally and absolutely impartial, in their personal comments. Let the panel members say what they feel correct, according to their own views; and that is, what the Talk Show must reflect.

Talk Shows:

Then again, some of our Television Channels are wasting their precious time and money on some Talk Shows, which are neither hilarious nor informative; and then the scores of participants of such Shows have been found over-acted; besides the joker guests invited to sit with the anchor are totally misfits. I cannot understand why the TV Managements of such channels have not themselves, found fault with such Talk Shows. I would not like to name such shows. It is for the respective Channel Managements to sort out such shows themselves; and replace them with some better stuff, which must be informative and entertaining.


Prior to asserting my own impressions generally, I would like to bring some predictions of Moulana Abul Kalam Azad to the information of my readers. Moulana, in case some of you do not know, was a great politician/statesman of the sub-continent. He was a Congressman throughout his political career. He never concurred with the 2 Nation theory. He was in favor of seeking independence for India, from the British; but did not want that the Muslims should have a separate homeland. His predictions made in an interview, in the year 1946 were as follows, which concerned Pakistan:-

• Pakistan’s progress would be hindered by our incompetent leadership. In this connection he further said that our leadership would pave the way for military dictatorship. We know it proved to be correct.

• Separation of East Pakistan. Correct. It was proved correct.

• Our progress would be obstructed by the heavy burden of foreign debts. That’s true.

• Our progress would be hindered because of relationship with our neighbors. It may also result in several conflicts. That we know was correct. We wish it may not be any more.

• Internal unrest would result in regional conflicts. I have made my own comments earlier on this topic.

• The loot of national wealth by the neo- rich and industrialists of Pakistan would also stop our progress. We have seen it is really so.

• An apprehension of a Class war in our country, as a result of the exploitation by the neo-rich and the rich industrialists. We wish and pray it does not happen.

• There would be conspiracies by International Powers to control Pakistan; and the stability of our country, would be under great strain. Muslim countries would not be in a position to help Pakistan. Assistance from any other sources would have strings attached, which may force our ideological and territorial compromises. We pray it is proved to be incorrect.

However, the current political leaders, if they are sincere, honest, patriotic and have a will and desire to protect our beloved land, SHOULD bury the hatchet and thwart the warnings carried by the predictions of the Moulana; and should come together with a firm determination and unity, not to let any serious situation to happen.


We are a great country and to be known as a Pakistani is a great honor indeed. We have degraded ourselves to lose our identity, by taking directions and orders of foreign powers? We have resources galore! Many of us may not be aware that Pakistan is rich, in mineral resources. We have Gold, Copper, Salt and Coal Mines. We have Gemstones. We have Oil and Gas reserves in our country. Most of it still remains to be tapped. We are the 7th Nuclear Power of the world. We are the 7th and the 8th largest Rice and Wheat Producers respectively, in the world. We have a 2nd largest Dam and we have 3 Nuclear Reactors; besides last but not the least, the largest and one of the Strongest Army in the World.


The other day, news was afloat on the internet. It quoted one of the Directors of a Swiss Bank saying that 28 trillions Pakistan Rupees, are held in the Swiss Banks Whose deposits could it be? It could only be of the money-launderers, looters, plunderers, plunderers, smugglers, drug and land and other Mafia people, corrupt persons, politicians and bureaucrats. If it is true, and the chances are that it may be correct for Switzerland Banks, are safe haven for all such people. If that money is brought back to Pakistan, our country can have a Tax Free Budget for 30 years; our country can offer jobs to 60 millions of our country men/women totally banishing unemployment from our country. With the money, Pakistan can have a more effective communication net, throughout our country, ensure permanent free finances to our social projects, provide financial assistance of Rs: 20,000/- a month to senior Pakistani citizens; and shall be able to do away with the need of the World and the IMF loans!



The politicians and the military rulers of Pakistan have brought our country to the brink of disaster. There is moral degeneration in the politicians. Our economy stands totally shattered. Our progress has ceased. No investment is coming forward.

Law & Order:

How can investment come, or be brought in? We are a torn country. Law and Order situation has deteriorated in alarming proportions, beyond the control of the Government, whether Federal or Provincial. There is no security at all. Nobody’s life or property is protected by the government. People have lost their business. Those of us, who work on daily basis, do not get any work for sustenance. Sniper shooting is at its highest ebb. Target killings are almost everyday’s occurrence, Gang Rapes, Rapes of minor girls, Thefts, Robberies, Kidnappings for Ransom, Gang Wars, Murders and Suicide Bombing has become a part of life in Pakistan. The writ of the government and the word “Governance”, have perhaps been erased from Pakistani dictionaries!


We are sort of bankrupt, as far as Energy is concerned. We have done nothing in this direction, though over three years have elapsed! Distressingly shameful it is, for every Pakistani that though we have plenty of Gas and Oil reserves in our country, we have made no effort to tap the resources. We are aware that we do not have the technology; BUT what steps have we taken to augment it. There are many countries, who would be able to come forward and invest; but WHO will provide security to the foreign companies? The Government is pretty busy in other things, which may be good for the government authorities, but are detrimental to the country and its people. There are frequent shut-downs of electric supply to our industries, which is at the edge of total collapse; giving a severe set-back to our economy; as our production has stopped. We cannot export, which has obstructed inflow of valuable foreign exchange. Energy in fact has affected the entire country, its economy and progress.


Many of our younger folks are loitering about, for adequate employment; but are not able to lay their hands on any suitable or appropriate job, commensurate to their qualifications. This is causing a brain drain of our educated young girls and boys. These young men and women are our assets; and how dismally disappointing it is, that the country is not able to make use of them. Scarcity of employment has put the youngsters on the road to drug and other addictions.

Price Hike:

The dearth of energy has been a cause of a Price Hike and almost every consumable item of daily use in every house, has gone alarmingly high and has become beyond the buying capacity of a common person. The black sheep amongst the Business community are profiteers, who store away items like wheat flour, sugar, ghee, grams(dals) and almost all other like items of daily consumption. The prices of mutton, beef and chicken have reached sky high. Charges on Electricity and Gas besides Petrol rise almost every fortnight, causing serious hardships to the citizens. Every item of life is getting costly and has surpassed the limits of affordability. There is no control what so ever, on the prices by the government; and therefore the situation in the country is worsening. Very soon as the things go, only the rich Employment:

shall be in a position to buy these items. HOW SHALL WE SURVIVE UNDER THESE CONDITIONS? Even under these severe conditions as we are experiencing, we must not lose hope. It is still not too late, but only if sanity prevails; and we have sincere, devoted, honest and patriotic persons to handle the situation.


A spate of terrorism and extremism has enveloped our dear country. This has stopped the inflow of investments to the country, as no foreigner considers himself/h safe and secure. New industries can not be put up for lack of adequate safety and security. This has severely curtailed the employment opportunities. Believe me whenever one goes out, he/she is not sure and certain, that there shall be a safe return for him/h. People get killed, while passing by some road or street, for no fault of his/hers. There are bomb blasts or suicide bombing, due to which innocent people lose their lives. It was thought that one gets peace and security by remaining in the Mosques, which are considered to be a place of God, as Muslims worships and offer prayers there; but today the suicide bombers do not hesitate to kill people offering prayers. All these dastardly acts are apparently being committed by Muslims.

Every other day, you hear of incidents of indiscriminate firing in some busy market or street where too, people who are innocent, breathe their last. Police or other identical agencies have proved to be inefficient and incapable of handling the situation. No person is secure. Both the federal and provincial governments have absolutely failed to provide any protection.

EVERY Pakistani should realize that we are passing through a very critical period. The situation is volatile and volcanically eruptive. Security apprehensions are abundant, not only for the VIPs; but for each and every individual Pakistani citizen.

In the United States of America or any other European country, on festivals like Christmas, the prices of all goods and articles show a marked decrease; making it convenient and affordable for everyone; so that no one in the country, remains unable to celebrate the occasion in a befitting manner.

Islam has never enshrined anywhere, that whenever festivals like Eids usher in, we must increase the prices of all the goods and articles, whether consumer or otherwise; and fleece the citizens as far as possible. What we as Muslims ought to have done, other people of different religions are doing. Why do we not adhere, to what our religion has taught? We must care for all our brethren; and lower the prices of the consumer and other consumable items on all festive occasions. We only agitate, when we have a monetary loss! The business community as a whole should condemn this practice throughout our country.

The Muslims today, have become cowards. They do not fear Allah, but fear Men. How true, it is. There is a tendency amongst the Youth of today, to remain aloof from religion. Our religion has its own place of reverence; and we must not forget that we are Muslims first, and Pakistanis after. We must not forget our religion. We as human-beings should know that, Allah is our Creator and to HIM we owe our existence, and to HIM we have to return. As Muslims, we must also not forget that Muhammad (MPUH) is our prophet. We have also an obligation to adhere to the tenets of Islam, in its true spirit.

Let our YOUTH who have now to lead us understand, that Islam means “Peace”; and we as Muslims, stand for peace. Not only that, but as per the teachings of our Holy Prophet, we have to safeguard the interests and rights of people, belonging to all other religions, and provide them all privileges and protection.

No innocent person is to be harmed by anyone. This again is to be borne in mind that all those, who live in Pakistan are our brethren. We have to show tolerance to all and treat them on the basis of equality in all walks of life. We have a Constitution under which laws are framed, and our country is being governed by those laws. No one should be allowed to take law in his/h own hands.

Religious sentiments are secretively very high. Nobody can tell, what may happen and through whom it may happen? People around you, may get sentimentally agitated. Discussing or arguing topics of religion, may hurt the feelings of someone, as religion is dear to all. Show tolerance, which too is an important ingredient of ISLAM. We already have innumerable issues and problems to be resolved, both internal and external.


It is time that we should realize that all of the past, was a terrible and most frightening Dream!

It is time for all the parties, whether political or religious to START anew. It is NOT the time for accusations and counter accusations. LET US PROTECT PAKISTAN. If Pakistan is there, we are there; without Pakistan we shall be no where. Everyone should realize and understand this, please. TOIL TOGETHER, TO PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY AND SOVERIGNTY OF PAKISTAN.

THIS IS NOW TIME FOR US ALL TO GET UNITED, to stand solidly behind each other to fight against all immoral, wicked and disastrously injurious deeds, committed by any individual.

Time is now ripe for all the Sane Elements and the Educated Youth, to gird up their loins.

It is time for the old political guard whether it is governmental or otherwise, to please mend their ways, forget their differences and disputes inter-se; and work honestly, sincerely, devotedly and with a patriotic zeal and vigor for the betterment, safety and security of Pakistan; and with an honest endeavor to wipe out the disease of extremism and terrorism for all parts of the country. In other case, time has come for them, to make way for the younger generation to come in, who may be honest, sincere and patriotic to Pakistan.

Time has come to save and protect all those men, women and children who are being tormented for no fault of theirs, by the cruel under the pretext that it is an ancient practice in vogue with them.

Time has come when we should know and realize that none of the current political leaders is sincere to our dear country.

Time has come when we should know of the persons who are educated, honest, sincere and patriotic, in the constituencies of the electorate; and elect only those persons. WE should not elect those who are wealthy, influential, choudhries, sardars or waderas; along with those who have already been tried and had failed to deliver, what the people wanted

Time has come, when everyone of us wants peace, honest livelihood, adequate shelter, a suitable employment for constant sustenance, protection and security; besides all that is covenant in the Constitution.

Time has come, to make a humble request to all those at the helm of affairs today, both at the Federal or Provincial levels, to please stop all corrupt practices forthwith; and join hands to preserve the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan, by removing all the corrupt bureaucrats, placed any where in the country.

Time is now ripe, to repudiate all the wrongs, illegalities, jobs done without lawful authority and any or all corrupt deeds done.

Time is now, to let every citizen have his/h right as defined in the Constitution.

It is time, TO DISARM the entire country of all kinds of WEAPONRY; commencing Karachi (now taking shape as Beirut of olden days), and it should be done without fear or favor. No laxity be shown now, if peace is to be brought.

THIS IS THE TIME to let us make a consorted effort, to completely wipe out EXTREMISM and TERRORISM from all parts of the country, to enable foreign investment to re-enter our country to augment our economy; otherwise all the resources that we have in our country, would be of no substance or value. All patriotically sincere political parties WILL have to join hands in this task of great significance, to bring about sanity and peace in Karachi and the country.

It is time, that we should find and elect only patriotic, honest and sincere persons, who are able to work for the betterment and progress of the country and the masses; and are able to bring the country to the fore, on the map of the world.

Time has come, when we should stand against all odds and bring back all the money of the country which was taken away by the politicians and bureaucrats through illegal means and manner.

Time has come, when we should expose all the illegal deeds, malpractices and cases of corruption of all the politicians and bureaucrats before the Nation.

Time has come, when we should bring in all the TAX evaders, including the influential, the powerful, the wealthy, the jagirdars, the zamindars, the choudhries, the sardars, the waderas, the bureaucrats, many industry owners, Transport and Fuel Pump owners the small officers like those who register documents of properties, lawyers, doctors, merchants, businessmen, restaurant owners, way-side hotels, tailors and out-fitters and many more; who remain free from paying taxes. All these should be brought in Tax Bracket. Most of them will still be set free by the Tax officers.

Time has come, when we should bring cruel and corrupt Police Officials of all ranks and file, who take bribe and beat up innocent men, women and children.

Time has come, when we should take every measure to bring all the operators of Drug Mafia, Land Mafia, Encroachers and the like; besides those who lead the gang wars, profiteers, looters and the corrupt to book.

Time for the Government to ponder:-

Let each one of you realize, that you are there at the top, because we wanted you to be. We voted you in, to enable you to serve the interests of the nation and the country. You are a public servant. You are there, at our pleasure. The day it is found that, you are working for your own interests and gains, and not for the cause of the country, that would be the last day for you. The way you have currently acted and performed, shows lucidly that, your days are numbered. You will be booted out, unless you mend your selves please! You have to come to us again for our votes; and under the present situation, chances are too remote, that you would get them. It is still not too late for you all. Time has come for all those, who are at the helm of affairs of the Government of Pakistan to please stop lip-service, of which much has been heard of. It is time to act and perform. It is time, to show sincerity and devotion to Pakistan. It is time, to work for the betterment and progress for the country and the nation; and not just for one’s own kith and kin.

Many States were good enough to lend us a helping hand, and gave us financial assistance for providing hearths and homes for those, affected by the recent unprecedented floods. The amount does not seem to be utilized, so far. It is very sad. The shelters, in the recent rains and freezing cold would have come in handy to the shelter less people. The Government should, at once deploy all its resources, and start utilizing the funds thorough an honest forum, which should be held responsible for proper dispensation of the “Amanti” funds, and providing homes as per the approved plans and policy. What signal the Government wants to give to foreign nations, by not taking up this matter of urgent importance?

Furthermore, the country is passing through a worst economic period. Our financial reserves are not enough, as the Government cannot start several of our projects. Why and where is the necessity then, to spend over 3 billions of our valuable national wealth, on constructing luxurious lodges for the parliamentarians? What is the necessity of building a tunnel for the safety and protection of the legislators? We are not United States of America? Why should the Government imitate what the US might have done? It is the duty of the Government to provide protection, safety and security to the citizens of our country. What steps has the Government taken, to ensure that duty, which is foremost and supreme? Innocent citizens are being killed everyday, throughout the length and breadth of the country. Has the Government been able to ensure the security and protection of the public?

Finally, time has come, when we should shun all our differences and stand united. If we fail now, we shall fail………………..

Come to think back over all these years, I am convinced that this is NOT the envisaged Pakistan, that the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammadally Jinnah fought for. A sincere and patriotic person can only shed tears, on this pathetic situation prevailing in our country. May God help us.

The conditions prevailing and the situation, seems really grim and gloomy. But as a Muslim, we can only seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty; and wish, hope and pray that He in His Infinite Mercy will protect us, of all the faults and misdeeds which had or being committed by our incompetent and corrupt leaders. Pakistan Zindahabad.


January 25th; 2011.


Am 76 years old Pakistani, residing in USA. Started my career as an advocate/lawyer; but, later dissociated from practice. Took to jobs related to my profession in textiles, gemstones, sugar mills, coal mining and multinational oil/gas company. Alarmingly painful conditions in my dear country, have hastened me to write this article. Do not have any political affiliations. My article is unbiased and impartial. However, if it may be the cause of some hurt to anyone, I am sorry. AZIZ AHMED KHAN 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PSF UOM seniors pass NTS Test!

Congratulations to PSF UOM seniors who had passed NTS Test:

Mahmood Alam Shalman 60 %
Nadeem Roghani 56 %
Fahad Khan 56 %